The Apex Legends anime event is well underway and it will be up and running until August 2.

In a true battle royale fashion, this is an ideal opportunity to sell some fancy cosmetics, as there are some exclusive “40 event-limited” items like Octane, Mirage, Revenant, and Watson legendary skins. You can see all of them in action in the video below. Without spoiling anything, the footage is quite awesome. Do check it out.

There’s also a promo going on allowing us to “unlock all the skins to automatically get the Bangalore Apex Commander prestige skin.” To tell you the truth, I can’t wait to lay my hands on that one!

The anime tie-in theme is pretty common nowadays in both battle royale games and MOBAs and it’s a win-win situation since many gamers are fans of the medium and it’s also a good opportunity for the development team to snatch some extra profit.

The Gaiden event will be live in Apex Legends until August 2. Join the party!