Socker Punch Productions have announced that their 2020 samurai adventure Ghost of Tsushima has now sold more than 8 million copies worldwide.

The game was originally launched in 2020 before Director’s Cut launched on PS4 and PS5 in 2021. Sucker Punch Productions thanked everyone for their continuous support - “Thank you so much to everyone who has played since launch! We are so incredibly appreciative and grateful for the support.”

It’s quite an impressive record for sure. And it’s a great game to play as well. If you haven’t picked it up already, make sure you do so ASAP. A thrilling art style mixed with a brilliant plot will surely keep you occupied for hours.

Both the vanilla and the Director’s Cut versions of Ghost of Tsushima are available now on PS4 and PS5. A movie is also in the works and the director said he really wants to make it right.