Capcom have announced that the beta for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will kick off tomorrow.

The first beta will be exclusive to all PlayStation Plus subscribers and it will last from June 21 all the way to June 24. The second beta will launch on June 28 and it will be active until July 1. This session will be active for all PS4 players. Unfortunately, both Xbox One and PC players will be left out this time.

Three different quests will be available in this beta session - the Jagras hunt quest, a brute wyvern quest called Banbaro, and MonHun mon Tigrex (a session wouldn't be complete without it). For every completed quest, players will get item packs that they can use in the expansion itself.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is coming to Xbox One and PS4 on September 6 and on PC this winter (the release date is yet to be announced).

Have a look at this interesting video while you're here: