Sony Bend has opened up a new job listing and, as it's listed, they are preparing a brand new AAA project.

We don't know what these guys are cooking up and it's too early to tell. However, we do know that Days Gone will be coming out in February and that's when we will most find out more about this new undercover project (if we don't get it by that point).

Here's what they said: "Responsible for creating concept art that dictates the lighting and color palette throughout the game. This is integral to the entire game, and includes creating color keys for the environments, characters, and cinematics that match the emotional intention of the game design and story beats ". Not much is said here but it appears that the visuals are taken very seriously with this one.

We will see what will come out from all of this in due time, I hope. Until then, we will need to satisfy ourselves with Days Gone next February.