If you haven't forked out the cash for Lego Universe MMO yet soon you will have a chance to play a limited version for free. While it is being presented as a free-to-play members there are limitations that are mentioned in the news announcement

"New players will start in the Venture Explorer and travel to Avant Gardens, learning essential skills which will help them throughout the game. New players will also have access to their own private property to build on, and will be able to explore all of the other Avant Garden player properties. There is no time limit on the free trial; free players will be able experience LEGO Universe at their own pace."

While users do have access to two of the zones, any access to the other zones will involve you having to purchase a full membership, this content includes any new content as well. This 'trial' may be fairly limited but it may give you the encouragement you've always been waiting for to get into the Lego MMO world.