Boomtown chats with European nVidia Marketing-manager, Adam Foat and European PR-Manager, Andrew Humber about the GeForce FX graphics cards. The interview focuses on the performance drop between the test cards to the retail cards and also some other recent issues:

    I asked Adam Foat what went wrong.

    - Here I'd like to start out by apologising to all of those who faithfully waited for our GeForce FX 5800. At nVidia we have always wanted to be the first with the new technology, and so we decided that NV30 was to be based on the micron 0,13 technologies. A change like that is very demanding, and looking in retrospect it was a bet we weren't ready for at the time, he explains.

    He continues: - All the while NV30 was being delayed, we moved closer to our NV35, which actually has followed it's time schedule all the way. For this reason, only few cards will actually see the light of day.