You reached Day 20 in Shadow Lords mode!
You performed 100 Psychic Breakers with the Ram Guardian in Shadow Lords mode!
You collected 50 different items in your Shadow Lords Storage!
You unlocked 5 Skeleton Chests in Shadow Lords mode!
You have won a ranked match as TJ Combo!
You collected 5 different types of Guardian in Shadow Lords mode!
You infiltrated the Cult of Gargos in Shadow Lords mode!
You have won a ranked match as Cinder!
You fed the same Guardian 500 Astral Energy in Shadow Lords mode!
You crafted 30 items in the Shadow Lords Emporium!
You have reached 80 Fight Challenges with Sadira!
You collected a Perfect Guardian in Shadow Lords Mode! Shiny!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Eagle!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Shin Hisako!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Kilgore!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Eyedol!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as General RAAM!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Gargos!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Mira!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Tusk!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Rash!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Kim Wu!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Arbiter!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as ARIA!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Cinder!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Hisako!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Aganos!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Shadow Jago!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Riptor!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Kan-Ra!
You have earned a Supreme Victory in an online match as TJ Combo!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as TJ Combo!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Maya!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Fulgore!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Spinal!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Orchid!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Sadira!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Thunder!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Glacius!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Sabrewulf!
You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Jago!
You have completed 32 Dojo Lessons!
You have reached 30 Fight Challenges with Eagle!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Eagle!
You have unlocked a color for Eagle!
You hit your opponent with 10 Peck attacks while in Eagle's Instinct Mode!
You have won a survival match as Eagle!
You have won a versus match as Eagle!
You have won a ranked match as Shin Hisako!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Shin Hisako!
You grabbed the opponent with Eternal Descent while in Shin Hisako's Instinct Mode!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Shin Hisako!
You have unlocked a color for Shin Hisako!
You have won a survival match as Shin Hisako!
You have won a versus match as Shin Hisako!
You have won a ranked match as Kilgore!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Kilgore!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Kilgore!
You hit the opponent with 64 Chain Gun bullets while in Instinct Mode!
You have unlocked a color for Kilgore!
You have won a survival match as Kilgore!
You have won a versus match as Kilgore!
You recruited an agent of UltraTech to your Shadow Lords team!
You completed a Shadow Lords mission with a Guardian equipped!
Your Shadow reached 20 matches played.
You have won a ranked match as Eyedol!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Eyedol!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Eyedol!
You have unlocked a color for Eyedol!
You have won a survival match as Eyedol!
You performed STAY AWAKE! 6 times while in Instinct mode!
You have won a versus match as Eyedol!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with General RAAM!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as General RAAM!
You have unlocked a color for General RAAM!
You have won a survival match as General RAAM!
You have won a versus match as General RAAM!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Gargos!
You have unlocked a color for Gargos!
You have won a survival match as Gargos!
You have won a versus match as Gargos!
You broke two combos using Eruption in a single match while in Gargos’ Instinct Mode!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Mira!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Mira!
You have unlocked a color for Mira!
You have won a survival match as Mira!
You have won a versus match as Mira!
You have won a ranked match as Rash!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Rash!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Rash!
You have unlocked a color for Rash!
You have won a survival match as Rash!
You have won a versus match as Rash!
You've hit your opponent with a Speeder Bike 3 times while in Rash's Instinct Mode
You have won a ranked match as Arbiter!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Arbiter!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Arbiter!
You have unlocked a color for Arbiter!
You have won a survival match as Arbiter!
You have won a versus match as Arbiter!
You have reached 60 General Fight Challenges!
You have won a ranked match as Kim Wu!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Tusk!
You have earned a Supreme Victory in an online match as Tusk!
You have won a ranked match as Tusk!
You have unlocked a color for Tusk!
You have won a survival match as Tusk!
You have won a versus match as Tusk!
You've Skewered an opponent 5 times in a match in any mode.
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Kim Wu!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Kim Wu!
You have unlocked a color for Kim Wu!
You have won a survival match as Kim Wu!
You've hit the opponent with 5 Dragon Cannons while in Kim Wu's Instinct Mode
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Shadow Jago!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Shadow Jago!
You destroyed your opponent with Shadow Jago’s Ultimate
You have unlocked a color for Shadow Jago!
You have won a survival match as Shadow Jago!
You have won a versus match as Shadow Jago!
You have won a versus match as Kim Wu!
You Finished Story Mode with ARIA
You Finished Story Mode with Kan-Ra
You Finished Story Mode with Hisako
You Finished Story Mode with Maya
You Finished Story Mode with TJ Combo
You Finished Story Mode with Aganos
You Finished Story Mode with Riptor
You Recorded 15 Matches for a Single Shadow.
You Finished Story Mode with Cinder
You activated Your First Shadow.
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with ARIA!
You have unlocked a color for ARIA!
You have won a survival match as ARIA!
You have won a versus match as ARIA!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Hisako!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Aganos!
You have reached 30 Fight Challenges with TJ Combo!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Cinder!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Cinder!
You hit your opponent 5 times with Special Attacks while in Cinder's Instinct Mode!
You have unlocked a color for Cinder!
You have won a survival match as Cinder!
You have won a versus match as Cinder!
You have reached 30 fight Challenges with Kan-Ra!
You hit your opponent 5 times with Peacemaker while in Aganos' Instinct Mode!
You have unlocked a color for Hisako!
You have won a survival match as Hisako!
You have won a versus match as Hisako!
You have won a ranked match as Jago!
You've played all 10 Qualifying Matches!
You have won a ranked match as Riptor!
You have earned a Supreme Victory in an online match as Riptor!
You have unlocked a color for Aganos!
You have won a survival match as Aganos!
You have won a versus match as Aganos!
You have reached 80 Fight Challenges with Spinal!
You landed 500 Rashakukens total against opponents in any mode as Omen!
You completed a combo that dealt 85% or more damage in any mode as Omen!
You missed the Demonic Despair but won the round anyway in any mode as Omen!
You successfully landed the Demonic Despair on an opponent in any mode as Omen!
You landed 20 Rashakukens in one fight against an opponent in any mode as Omen!
You have reached 30 Fight Challenges with Riptor!
You used Last Breath!
You have unlocked a color for TJ Combo!
You have unlocked a color for Kan-Ra!
You have unlocked a Color for Riptor!
You have won a survival match as TJ Combo!
You have won a versus match as TJ Combo!
You have won a survival match as Riptor!
You landed 3 Flame Attacks and 3 Tail Swipes while in Riptor's Instinct Mode!
You have won a versus match as Riptor!
You have reached 80 Fight Challenges with Orchid!
You have won a survival match as Kan-Ra!
You have won a versus match as Kan-Ra!
You have unlocked a color for Glacius!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Sadira!
You have unlocked a color for Sadira!
You have won a versus match as Maya!
You have reached 30 Fight Challenges with Maya!
You have defeated 10 opponents in one Survival as Maya!
You have reached 30 General Fight Challenges!
You have unlocked a color for Maya!
You have unlocked a color for Thunder!
You have won a survival match as Maya!
You have won a versus match as Fulgore!
You have won a versus match as Thunder!