Survived 20 waves in Endless mode
Finished any level with 1 hp left
Used Godmode to save yourself when your health was lower than 10
Survived 10 waves in Endless mode
Completed the game with the Priest
Glitch has been defeated
Big Ugly Fish has been defeated
Finished Forest level without killing any enemy
Shot a bullseye with your gun on Wetlands
Stunned 4 enemies with one use of Priest's Stun skill
Azyzz has been defeated
Ca'tharsis has been defeated
You found and used the secret gun
Unlocked all the secrets in the Rooftops level
Cleansed the streets from all of the balloons
Finished any level on 100%
Finished any level without taking damage
Killed 5 enemies during a single use of Voodoo doll skill
Completed the game with the Journalist