Escape from the alternate Earth before its untimely demise...
Defeat Sahariel in the Cardianon control tower's central isolation chamber.
Defeat Barachiel in the engine room of the celestial ship.
Defeat Armaros on the northern coast of Aeos.
Congratulations! You've collected every last STAR OCEAN® THE LAST HOPE® -INTERNATIONAL- trophy!
Obtain 15% of all battle trophies.
Obtain 30% of all battle trophies.
Obtain 45% of all battle trophies.
Obtain 60% of all battle trophies.
Obtain 75% of all battle trophies.
Collect 100% of all spaceship data.
Collect 100% of all weapon data.
Collect 50% of all monster data.
Create 20% of all possible items.
Create 40% of all possible items.
Create 60% of all possible items.
Create 80% of all possible items.
Open 50% of all treasure chests.
Complete 50% of all quests.
Defeat Tamiel and his Sydonaist henchmen in the hallowed halls of the Purgatorium.
View Reimi's ending sequence.
View Faize's ending sequence.
View Lymle's ending sequence.
View Bacchus's ending sequence.
View Meracle's ending sequence.
View Myuria's ending sequence.
View Sarah's ending sequence.
View Arumat's ending sequence.
Break into the top 30 in solo or team battle rankings.
Break into the top 10 in solo or team battle rankings.
Earn 50 victories in class 100 bunny racing.
Defeat Armaros Manifest in the grimy depths of the Miga Insect Warren.
Defeat Kokabiel and her spawn in the sacred En II Sanctuary.
Defeat Satanail in the Palace of Creation on Nox Obscurus.
Defeat Gabriel Celeste.
Complete the game on the Universe difficulty level.
View Crowe's ending sequence.
Obtain 90% of all battle trophies.
Obtain 100% of all battle trophies.
Collect 100% of all monster data.
Create 100% of all possible items.
Open 100% of all treasure chests.
Complete 100% of all quests.
Take over the top spot in solo or team battle rankings.
Earn 100 victories in class 100 bunny racing.
Defeat the Ethereal Queen.
Complete the game on the Chaos difficulty level.