Reach the Level 23
Reach the Level 21
Reach the Level 22
Reach the Level 24
Reach the Level 20
You got to the 19 level, congratulations!
You got to the 15 level, congratulations!
You got to the 16 level, congratulations!
You got to the 17 level, congratulations!
You got to the 18 level, congratulations!
You got to the 14 level, congratulations!
You got to the 13 level, congratulations!
You got to the 12 level, congratulations!
You got to the 11 level, congratulations!
You got to the 10 level, congratulations!
You got to the 9 level, congratulations!
You have won the first battle!
Death Happens!
You got to the 6 level, congratulations!
You have collected 10 coins. Congratulations
You have smashed the blocks. Congratulations!
You have placed Bomb. Congratulations!
You got to the 3 level, congratulations!
You have dropped the Box. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Adventure begins!