Kill 100 enemies in a single game
Kill Spite
Kill 50 enemies in a single game
Kill 5 enemies with bombs in one game
Kill 20 enemies with bombs in one game
Kill Torment
Score 250,000 points in a single game
Score 500,000 points in a single game
Score 1,000,000 points in a single game
Score 2,000,000 points in a single game
Kill 100 enemies with magic in a single game
"Off with their heads!"
Kill 50 enemies with bombs in one game
Collect 100 treasures
Have a conversation with 10 ghosts in one game
Die 1000 times
Descend 50 floors without killing anything
Collect nine hearts in one game
Achieve Rage five times in one game
Collect 15 tickets
Kill Rage
Defeat the One-Armed Ninja
Kill Horror
Kill Doom
Kill Disgust
Kill Abarghus
Beat the game without ever using magic
Beat the game without ever using bombs
Beat the game without ever using projectiles
Beat the game in under 7 minutes
Beat the game with Chaos Mode active
Run through Transdimensional Leakage without killing any mushrooms
Play at least 10 custom levels
Publish a Custom Map
Create 4 custom costumes
Beat the game on Hard / See the True Ending
Complete the game on "Ninja" difficulty, starting from the roof.
Reach the bottom of Abarghus' Domain on "Ninja" difficulty.
Complete Transdimensional Leakage on "Ninja" difficulty.
Complete Boss Rush on "Hard".
Complete Boss Rush on "Ninja".
Complete the game with the One-Armed Ninja.
Achieve a 6 minute speed run or less on "Hard".
Achieve a 6 minute speed run or less on "Ninja".
Score 500,000 points in Ninja mode.
Score 1 million points in Ninja mode.