Treasure of Cutuma 3rd

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A simple TPS game.
Liberate the villages in the area, get all the 5 treasures, and game complete.

One day, Ran Kawasaki hired a guide to head to the Republic of Cutuma after a mysterious man informed her of the ancient Cutuma treasures in the Republic of Cutuma.
Villages in this country are under the control of the government forces.
To liberate villages leads to the acquisition of the hidden treasure in the village.

About game
TPS game.
The player's weapon is a handgun.
The player fights against the government forces and releases the villages.
The goal is to liberate all the villages and get 5 treasures.
The area is 1 kilometer square.
The game uses the character manipulation system and character AI system created by NS(developer) in Super Hiking Simulator 2020.

W, A, S, D: Move.
Spacebar: jump. You can jump 4 times.
Dash: Shift key.
ESC: Pause screen.
E: Draw(or put into holster) the handgun.
Right Click: Aim target with handgun.
Left click: Shoot a handgun if you're aiming at a target. Read the texts.
Interact: get closer to what you interact with.

Game Tips

The hidden treasures are kept in the village, but some are not available until the quest is completed.
When you defeat a enemy, you get money or bullets.
Some quests require money.
You can't control the weapon while running.
If you shoot a weapon while walking, you cannot aim well.
There are hidden treasures that can only be obtained by making good use of jumps.