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SILENT DOOM is an atmospheric first-person survival horror adventure set in a nightmarish universe. Gameplay consists of combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving.

It is designed around the idea of "being thrown into the world". Isolated and lost inside this dream-like world.What is going on:
You appear in a hostile surreal environment. You are surrounded by aggressive hellish creatures, you will be forced to hide and run away until you find some means of protection. Soon you'll find yourself hunted, something evil and invulnerable walks on your heels. Solve puzzles and get the necessary ingredients to perform a ritual that will take immortality from the demon and allow you to fight him on equal terms.Key Features
• Permadeath
Death is death. If you die you'll be starting again and the game will throw to you a new scenario with a different challenge.

• Level Design
We do not use procedural level generation: we have built a multi-level nightmare for you that will always create an unexpected situations and challenges.

• Gameplay
Your chances of survival will vary depending on how smartly you can use your resources based on the situation. Explore, loot and fight your demons.