Shikon-X Astro Defense Fortress

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Shikon-X Astro Defense Fortress is a mix between a graphic adventure game and all the classic arcade shoot 'em ups you love from the 80s and 90s.
You play as Major Daaia, the only pilot in the federation who can handle Shikon-X —a ship with advanced defense capabilities which can also transform into attack mode when needed!

Earth scientists have mastered the secrets of space energy gathering, and collected vast amounts of energy into what they call "Life Capsules" that form floating clusters orbiting the planet.

The world has been at peace for decades, but a small guerrilla from planet Rolar has been destroying our Life Capsules, and your mission is to defend our energy source from those terrorists!

Shikon-X's story unfolds in different ways. The game starts as a graphic adventure where you can chat with your fellow soldiers and solve puzzles to advance the plot. You'll move into an arcade phase that starts similar to Breakout/Arkanoid, bouncing attacks with your ship's body in defense mode, and that'll quickly turn into a shoot 'em up section like Galaga/Space Invaders with wall to wall arcade action. During those arcade sections the story will keep unfolding, so keep your eye into Shikon-X's communication screens to get all the scoop!

Back in the mother ship you'll be able to continue the story, and even play other mini-games like the Bounty Hunter Baby from Space Pinball and other games to be added later!

Every chapter will add more mini-games and more story beats, and they'll all be added to the main game —no DLC or extra things to buy!