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Fleazer is a adventurous sand-box game where as you, the player play's as a little flea name Fleazer. Of course flea's need their delicious blood to survive, but this little guy is the most greediest you'll see through out this entire game. He so greedy that if he doesn't get it in time, he will go insane and eventually ..... KAABOOOOM!!!!! He explodes into smithereens. With that being said, Fleazer needs your help to get to the target in a set time to save him from exploding to death.

Apparently Fleazer is not the only one that is looking for something to consume. On your adventure to get to the target (lump sum of blood), there are hungry nasty enemy's that are out to find some food and apparently Fleazer is on their dinner plate. Avoid them at all cost.

There is power-ups that will help you get a boost on your adventure. Use them wisely.