Age Of Omens

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Magic, melee, survival and more!

Join me on an epic adventure to create my first survival RPG hybrid, Age of Omens.

A BRAND NEW map is under way, with lots of new mechanics and content being added each week.

Be a part of the journey to bring this forgotten world to life, with mysterious crypts to discover and explore, twisted dungeons to clear with your group, riddles, puzzles and more! (coming very soon) Your adventure can start today! By purchasing Age of Omens while still in early access, you not only get to be the first one to solve the mysteries to unlock each new area as it is created, but you will also become a legendary part of the living history of the world as it develops.

The most brave and quick-witted will no doubt be etched in to the lore of the world, their praises sung to the end of time!

Enter if you dare, and face the challenges of the wild, including an increasingly difficult world the father you explore from the starting area. Hy-Brasil is not for the weak or faint of heart. Are you up to the challenge?

Currently In-game

Building (stone and wood tiers)
Melee combat
Magic spell combat
AI creatures, both predator and prey
rock climbing system
Multiplayer host/join
Single Player
dynamic day/night/northern lights

Coming Soon
Dynamic story line quests + player created quests & rewards
Player market stalls
many more magic spells
more creatures
Map expansions (ALWAYS FREE!)
More weapons
alchemy recipes
female model
Further character customization


This game will NEVER release any paid DLC (especially before early access is over.. lookin' at you ARK!)
This game will NEVER have "surprise mechanics" *barf*
This game will NOT be another boring survival game. (Survival is only one small aspect to this game. A deep storyline will develop.)
This game will NOT stay in early access forever. (lookin at you DayZ!)
I will finish this game and have a clear path and know-how to do so.


Please try out the FREE Demo version of my game via the download link in our Discord's download section.

This game is NOT very complete yet, and I would rather bring you the most value possible for your hard earned money. Please only consider purchasing this game once you have tried the demo and see the current progress so that you are not disappointed. There are MANY great features planned for this game that are not yet implemented, and I will be updating the demo version along-side the paid Steam version until such time that I feel the game is worth the asking price.

Currently I am only offering payment for the game for people who are happily ready to support development and have requested that I allow for a true open alpha, whereby the players themselves help with the testing and development of the game itself. Thank you for reading, and feel free to join us in our Steam discussion forum, or on the Groundbreak Games Discord channel.