Haven certainly won't be a game for everyone, but judging by the opening movie, I think we will all agree that the artistic quality of this game is on a very high level already.

The gorgeous watercolor opening was directed by Yukio Takatsu and Yapiko Animation while the song came straight from Danger who also gave a contribution to the Furi soundtrack.

Here's what the creative director of The Game Bakers had to say on the matter "Opening movies really set the mood before you start the game. The first time you launch the game, you get a peek at the tone, the values, the characters. Watching them years later, they revive the memory of the whole adventure. The art style is different from the art in the game of course. but it's in essence exactly what we are trying to express with the game: a couple of characters who love each other, and with whom we hope you are going to fall in love in turn."

The cinematic raised my expectations quite a lot now and I'm sure you will feel the same way when you see it. You can watch this masterpiece down below: