PUBG is a game that is getting constant updates (as it should) and, as it was announced by the developers, the newest one is adding a very interesting addition - you can now spectate your own killer!

The only thing you need to do is to press a "watch" button on the results screen which will easily allow you to see everything from the perspective of your killer. Ironically, if he ends up being murdered as well, you can also spectate the person who got him down. A very fun chain event indeed!

When you are in a group with other people, things work a bit differently. In order to be able to spectate your killer that way, all of your party members need to die (it's kinda logical but still...). Oh, and one more thing, it appears that you can't spectate your killer via the death cam. It might be just a minor bug rather than the choice made by the developers but we should know that soon enough.

As usual, the latest update will be playable on the test servers before it hits live. If you want to take part in the sessions yourself, you can do so by using the codename "Savage map".