If you need a valid reason (the accent is on "valid") to make yourself glued to your chair for hours on end, never leaving your house (well, at least for some time period), you are about to get it now! Although World of Warcraft is still an undeniable MMO ruler, Final Fantasy XIV is enjoying a massive success and it's getting regular updates that bring some fresh new changes as well as new content that will keep the community occupied....until the next set of content is up.

Patch 4.2. is titled "Rise of a New Sun" and, according to Square Enix themselves, it's coming on January 30. There is a brand new questline coming with this patch also and, if you already finished the previous quests that precede it, make sure to check this one out as well as it is vital to the story itself. There is also a new raid coming up - Omega. Following that, Sigmascape will get a very recognizable Final Fantasy VI makeover.

A raid rarely comes without dungeons, so you can expect new content there as well. There are 2 new dungeons coming with patch 4.2 (The Fractal Continuum and Hells' Lid). On top of that, there's a new trial that will allow you to face one of the Four Lords, Byakko. At the same time, the Warrior of Light will need to help the Vira tribe in a new Beast Tribe Quest.

Speaking of other innovations, the new patch allows you to convert your entire equipment (including the tools and weapons) into glamours. You can then use those glamours inside one of your inns in order to craft ensembles that will give you more customization options. The 4 residential areas will get some subdivisions and wards on top of that as well.

PvP players will benefit from this patch as well - the new mechanics will allow you to make your own groups and team up with 5 other players in order to tackle different ranked matches while still being able to use the commodities of live chatting. Another great innovation is a replay function that allows you to...well "replay" the moves you made in a raid (or a battleground) using the latest video playback add-on which is really nice to have as well.

Make sure to check out the trailer below and get ready for January 30!