A video game ending can either make or break a game. After spending an average twelve to fifteen hours on a game, you may expect for it to pay-off. Unfortunately, some don't deliver that epic ending you hoped for, and others leave you questioning what the heck just happened. Here's ten of the most unexpected video game endings.

10. Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4's actual ending may not be considered unexpected, but there is a secret ending that can be unlocked within the first fifteen minutes of the game. Once Pagan Min leaves the room he takes you to, most players would escape in order to get to the plot of the game - but if you, instead, stay seated until Pagan Min returns, you will have officially unlocked the secret ending. The villain gives you a personal history lesson and then takes you to where your mother's ashes are located - after that, the ending credits begin to roll.


9. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

A lot of Assassin's Creed fans were surprised when Desmond, losing control of his body, moves forward and stabs Lucy. Lucy is a character that has assisted the protagonist throughout three Assassin's Creed games; making her a pretty prominent character. So, with this death and then the credits rolling immediately afterwards, it's no surprise as to why it left the fans in confusion.


8. Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite's ending danced with the idea of alternative universes. In the game, you play as Booker DeWitt who's given the job to find Elizabeth that has been captured by the evil ruler, Zachary Comstock. It's in the end where you discover that you've actually been playing as Comstock the entire time, just from an alternative universe.


7. Metal Gear Solid V

Metal Gear Solid V ends with the shocking revelation that who you thought you were playing in the game - was not at all who you were playing. Instead of being Big Boss, as you thought all along, you play as a decoy in order to protect him. Your character is transformed into someone who shares the same face, skills, and memories of Big Boss.


6. Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is a game that's very story-driven and has you controlling multiple characters all tied into the case of the Origami Killer. From the father trying to find his son to the detective whose searching for clues, you become invested in several lives - only to find out that the detective is really the killer whose been putting your other character through Hell. Finding out that you've been controlling the antagonist throughout the game is definitely a reason to be shocked.


5. Batman: Arkham City

If you're a DC fan, you have witnessed the battles between Batman and the Joker numerous times. Most of these times, the caped crusader considers the idea of letting the clown prince of crime die, but instead, throws him into Arkham asylum.

In Arkham City, it finally happens and the Joker meets his demise. Although his blood isn't on the hands of Batman, we're still shocked that the clown everyone loves to hate is actually dead.


4. Metroid

When Metroid was released, video games weren't known for their plotlines or plot-twists. Nor were women often the protagonists of video games. But players who beat the game in under five hours were provided with a surprising reveal - Samus removes her helmet to show that she's actually a woman.


3. Bioshock

Bioshock has you controlling a nameless character through an underwater city that was to be built into a utopia by Andrew Ryan. Instead of the dreamt about utopia, you find it to be filled with dead citizens and those who survived, but violently deranged thanks to a substance called ADAM.

The surprise comes in at the end, when you make it to Andrew Ryan's office and learn that the voice you've been following the whole time, Atlas, has had you under hypnotic control.


2. The Last of Us

Considered to be one of the best video games of all time, The Last of Us ended in what could be considered unexpected for a story dealing with a zombie virus.

After arriving in Salt Lake City and being captured by a Firefly patrol, Ellie is placed into surgery where she'd have to be sacrificed in order to get a cure for the infection. At this point, we'd assume that the characters would allow for this in order to save the world, but not Joel! Instead, he fights his way through the hospital and saves her - later, lying that there were others immune to the virus that will help create the vaccine.


1. Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption's emotional ending left several jaws dropped.

Throughout the western story, you develop a relationship with John Marston as he attempts to redeem himself and return to life as a family man. Unfortunately, his last-stand against Ross and his men ends with the ex-outlaw being shot numerous times, and his wife and son being left behind.