Sophie's Cubes

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Create, scramble, and solve puzzle/magic cubes.


  • Play with cubes from 2x2x2 all the way up to 30x30x30
  • Cubes are highly customisable; choose face colours, images*, and style your cube with variable parts, stickers, and shapes
  • For an extra challenge, play with picture/super cubes - where the goal is to return every face to it's original orientation and position
  • Sessions are saved between use, so if you're challenging yourself to a puzzle that is taking you a while, you can close the app and come back to it later
  • Try to beat your best solve times with an automatic timer that starts whenever you scramble the cube - with adjustable inspection time
  • Fully rebindable inputs allow you to set up controls for every kind of turn you might want to make
  • Specify up to 10 algorithms that can be executed immediately as a macro

* Your own image files can be loaded from a folder on your PC, just place them there and then you can use them after opening Sophie's Cubes.