Shadow Redemption

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Shadow Redemption is an upcoming Free-To-Play MMORPG, Featuring a 2D world in a 3D perspective. Prepare to enter into a realm of adventure, where players can level up to 60, and become a Warchief over the world of Lightwell.

Play Shadow Redemption completely free of charge. No abnormal level caps, no subscriptions, no restrictions. Period. Play your way, for free, 24/7.
"Shadow Redemption was created in the inspiration that a truly free-to-play mmorpg should not have objects in any game shop that can give one player an advantage over another. If we implement an in-game store at any point, only cosmetic items will be sold. We hate seeing upgrade runes, end game gear and 'chance boxes'. Our game isn't based around who has the most money they can spend, it's based around a truly unique experience that will be updated on a regular basis for free."

You choose the way you experience Shadow Redemption. Focus on the quest-line, or start hashing and slashing after you get your staff. Most enemies have chances to drop rare gear, equivelent to the quest rewards you'll be recieving. Shadow Redemption is always here as a second home for you.

Charge into battle against your allies as you gain enough honor points to achieve rank 20.(Gradual level requirements)
Achieve a variety of titles and eventually earning an elite character status when you obtain 'WARCHIEF -ELITE-'.
And look forward to PvP vendors being added into Shadow Redemption in future updates when season 1 starts.

Be a part of our growing community. Visit our website, follow us for updates, share your opinions and ideas. We value your opinion and we can't wait to see you in-game!