Play The Fox

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◆ Rules
The game progresses through two phases, "morning" and "night".

◆ Morning
Approach the spirit and tap the button! Activate a skill!
The sooner you get to the spirit, the better!
You win when you reduce your opponent's health to zero!

◆ Night
Night is a temporary truce. No skills can be activated.
Instead, you can summon spirits wherever you want!
Think carefully about how you want to move in the next morning as you build your strategy!

◆ Characters
Depending on the combination of animal and spirit, the skill will change!
Snake can turn invisible, boar can lunge, and rooster can move around freely!
Choose your favorite animal and get ready to fight!
If you use only your zodiac sign, your age will be revealed! Be careful!

◆ Co-op
It's sure to be a lot of fun!
Team up with your friends and aim for victory together!
(Maximum 2 players per team)