Nintendo have confirmed that they will be launching a Splatoon 3 day one patch, and the best news is that the update is going live today.

Going through the patch, you can see it mostly impacts some last-minute campaign changes, also known as “hero mode.” Now you can alter Cap’n Cuttlefish’s appearance in-game, and utilize a photo mode “in some places” in the story. The patch also enables online play for everyone and it gets the game ready for launch today, September 9 worldwide.

Luckily, it’s not a massive patch that fixes crucial issues. Most likely, you’ll be able to play through the entire campaign without any issues, but if you do see some problems, this patch should sort things out for you.

You can now change the commander’s [the NPC Cap’n Cuttlefish’s] appearance by pressing the A button to “investigate” the “sketchbook” inside the crater tent.

Even if you have progressed to the previous stage, you can temporarily return to the crater by examining the catfish stuffed animal in the camp and selecting “Remember the crater”.

You can now use “Shooting [Photo] Mode” in some places in Hero Mode.

You can now also use functions related to Internet communication. If you want to access the online features,  you’ll need to download the latest update data. Local communication is not compatible with Ver. 1.0.0 so you’ll have to match the version of the update data with the person you want to play with.

Splatoon 3 is now available on Nintendo Switch.