The upcoming fantasy adventure from Square Enix, Forspoken now has a PEGI 18 rating due to its bad language and alcohol.

I find this both funny and surprising at the same time. The footage that we’ve got so far certainly doesn’t suggest that this will be a dark and gritty game.

The PEGI listing goes on to explain the reasons for this decision in more detail:

“The player’s character can order alcoholic drinks at a bar. The drinks affect the player’s statistics but do so in a random manner with negative outcomes possible.

“The game also includes scenes of realistic violence, including a woman being set upon by a group of thugs who punch and kick her and hold a gun to her head. There is also violence against fantasy characters, who are knocked backward by attacks and bleed yellow blood.”

PEGI also says that Forspoken’s in-game purchases are a problem and the same applies to the fact the main character wants to commit suicide while being drunk.

Originally known as Project Attia, Forspoken was first announced by Square Enix and Luminous Productions at the Future of Gaming event in 2020. Now that it has a new name and a PEGI rating, it seems unlikely that its official release date (October 11th, 2022) will change. Can’t wait to play this game, honestly!