We are eagerly anticipating the newest Shadow of the Tomb Raider game but, while we're waiting, boys and girls at Square Enix were not sitting there just doing anything (other than...well, working on the game) but they also gave us a fancy video to gawk at until we finally get the real deal.

This will be the last entry in this... sort of a remix of Lara's adventures but it will also be "a defining moment" as they like to call it. And yes, we will now finally get to see how she became THE Tomb Raider as well. We are sure that the game will be just as epic as it needs to be as, after all, both Eidos and Crystal Dynamics are working on it.

The game will ship on September 14 (so, in less than 6 months) and it will be available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC (sadly, no love for Switch at this point). You can also watch the trailer right below. We are not able to see the actual gameplay in action but we are able to see Lara herself in some pretty intensive action. The trailer definitely has a somewhat dark tone but that just makes it even more epic!

Have a look and enjoy!