Ankama Studio announces the world release of DOFUS, a massively multiplayer role play game on Internet. This international version will be available on the first of september 2005. Armed with the rising success of DOFUS French-speaking version, Ankama Studio takes the world by storm with the international launch of its MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Available in French since September 2004, DOFUS is yet a reference in France and French-speaking regions of Canada, Belgium and Switzerland.

With more than 100,000 registered users and almost 15,000 total subscribers, Ankama Studio has accepted the challenge to carry out and market on its own a MMORPG.

Ankama will take advantage of the E3 Expo in Los Angeles to officialize its international display (May 17th-20th, 2005).

The first stage will be the recruiting of Anglophone testers in order to validate DOFUS new technical infrastructure. Registrations will open the 17th of May 2005 on the official site ( and beta-tests will start in Summer 2005.

The DOFUS phenomenon; a unique multiplayer video game

The MMORPG DOFUS offers a unique blend of tactical fights, role play game, mad humour and colourful graphics. The atypical and evolutionary structure of this online video-game, the practical and technical assets, its reasonable cost and the regular additions and modifications are so many reasons for the game success which appeals to both casual and hardcore gamers.