HomeLAN have posted a Q&A with ATI's Patricia Mikula about their graphics products and their support of game development:

    HomeLAN - In GDC this March and at E3 in May ATI as well as your main rival NVIDIA seem to be wooing game developers more and more. What is the reason for this more public push for game developer support?

    Patricia Mikula - ATI believes that it is important to have the support of game developers and ATI has developed strong relationships with game developers all over the world. Events like "MOJO days" - which was created specifically to provide developers with a greater understanding of the latest RADEON technology - have been huge successes. The developer community recognizes ATI as a leading graphics company and their enthusiasm sends a clear message to gamers and consumers that these are products that they in turn should be enthusiastic about. And it's a great platform to easily showcase not only what ATI is capable of, but the game developers as well. After all, both our offerings are symbiotic and when combined really showcase what the technology is capable of accomplishing. In the future, ATI would like to continue to work closely with developers at an even more fundamental level. For example, the work we're doing with 3Dlabs to accelerate the development of RenderMonkey shaders. This is something that will eventually benefit the entire graphics industry. ATI wants to constantly push that envelope.